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Produkt zum Begriff Architecture:
High On Living. RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURE & INTERIOR DESIGN , Das Buch, ein neuer Titel der Reihe High On Living, präsentiert dreißig Innenarchitekten und Architekten mit ihren neuesten Innenraumprojekten von Häusern und Wohnungen. , >
Preis: 39.95 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is at the heart of a revolutionary computing platform that is being adopted world-wide and has earned the support of every major software provider. In Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design, Thomas Erl presents the first end-to-end tutorial that provides step-by-step instructions for modeling and designing service-oriented solutions from the ground up. Erl uses more than 125 case study examples and over 300 diagrams to illuminate the most important facets of building SOA platforms: goals, obstacles, concepts, technologies, standards, delivery strategies, and processes for analysis and design. His book's broad coverage includes Detailed step-by-step processes for service-oriented analysis and service-oriented design An in-depth exploration of service-orientation as a distinct design paradigm, including a comparison to object-orientation A comprehensive study of SOA support in .NET and J2EE development and runtime platforms Descriptions of over a dozen key Web services technologies and WS-* specifications, including explanations of how they interrelate and how they are positioned within SOA The use of "In Plain English" sections, which describe complex concepts through non-technical analogies Guidelines for service-oriented business modeling and the creation of specialized service abstraction layers A study contrasting past architectures with SOA and reviewing current industry influences Project planning and the comparison of different SOA delivery strategies The goal of this book is to help you attain a solid understanding of what constitutes contemporary SOA along with step-by-step guidance for realizing its successful implementation.
Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Art of Network Architecture, The: Business-Driven Design
The Art of Network Architecture Business-Driven Design The business-centered, business-driven guide to architecting and evolving networks The Art of Network Architecture is the first book that places business needs and capabilities at the center of the process of architecting and evolving networks. Two leading enterprise network architects help you craft solutions that are fully aligned with business strategy, smoothly accommodate change, and maximize future flexibility. Russ White and Denise Donohue guide network designers in asking and answering the crucial questions that lead to elegant, high-value solutions. Carefully blending business and technical concerns, they show how to optimize all network interactions involving flow, time, and people. The authors review important links between business requirements and network design, helping you capture the information you need to design effectively. They introduce today’s most useful models and frameworks, fully addressing modularity, resilience, security, and management. Next, they drill down into network structure and topology, covering virtualization, overlays, modern routing choices, and highly complex network environments. In the final section, the authors integrate all these ideas to consider four realistic design challenges: user mobility, cloud services, Software Defined Networking (SDN), and today’s radically new data center environments. • Understand how your choices of technologies and design paradigms will impact your business • Customize designs to improve workflows, support BYOD, and ensure business continuity • Use modularity, simplicity, and network management to prepare for rapid change • Build resilience by addressing human factors and redundancy • Design for security, hardening networks without making them brittle • Minimize network management pain, and maximize gain • Compare topologies and their tradeoffs • Consider the implications of network virtualization, and walk through an MPLS-based L3VPN example • Choose routing protocols in the context of business and IT requirements • Maximize mobility via ILNP, LISP, Mobile IP, host routing, MANET, and/or DDNS • Learn about the challenges of removing and changing services hosted in cloud environments • Understand the opportunities and risks presented by SDNs • Effectively design data center control planes and topologies
Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Contemporary Japanese Architecture
Contemporary Japanese Architecture , Die japanische Architektur gehört seit langem zu den spektakulärsten Baukünsten der Welt. Im 20. Jahrhundert wurden immer wieder Superlative bemüht, um die Extravaganz, Nachhaltigkeit und scheinbar unbegrenzte Kreativität zu beschreiben. Nicht weniger als sieben japanische Architektinnen und Architekten wurden mit dem Pritzker-Preis ausgezeichnet. Mit den experimentellen Kontruktionen der Expo '70 in Osaka betraten die Metabolisten die Weltbühne und läuteten eine neue Ära ein. Seitdem fällt Japan eine Schlüsselposition in der globalen Architektur zu. Mit meisterhaften Betonkonstruktionen verhalf Tadao Ando der japanischen Baukunst zu weiterem internationalen Renommee. In der Folge bereiteten Architekten wie Kengo Kuma (Nationalstadion von Tokio, ursprünglich geplant für die Olympischen Spiele 2020), Shigeru Ban (Mount Fuji World Heritage Center) und Kazuyo Sejima (Museum für Kunst des 21. Jahrhunderts in Kanazawa) den Weg für nachhaltigere Ansätze. Jüngere Generationen entwickelten ihre Arbeit noch weiter im Einklang mit der Umwelt, Bautraditionen und verfügbaren Ressourcen - so zeichnen sich alle vorgestellten Architekten durch eine schier endlose Suche nach Formen aus, mit denen sie auf ihre Umgebung reagieren, anstatt Häuser am Reißbrett zu entwerfen. Dieses Buch zeichnet die jüngsten Entwicklungen in der japanischen Baukunst nach, indem es die Einzigartigkeit des Erfindungsreichtums aus der besonderen Situation des Landes ableitet: eine hohe Bevölkerungsdichte, eine moderne, effiziente Wirtschaft sowie die tragische Heimsuchung durch Erdbeben oder andere Katastrophen. So unterscheidet sich die japanische Architektur im Kern von der europäischen und amerikanischen durch die Fähigkeit zu akzeptieren, dass die Welt so unvorhersehbar ist wie die Spiegelungen des Lichts in Sejimas Museumsbau in Kanazwa. Der Band im XL-Format präsentiert 39 japanische Architekten mit insgesamt 55 Projekten , von Tadao Ando s Shanghai Poly Theater, Shigeru Ban s Konzerthalle La Seine Musicale über SANAA s Grace Farms, Fumihiko Maki s 4 World Trade Center bis hin zu Takashi Suo s nachhaltiger Zahnarztpraxis - jeweils mit eindrucksvollen Bildern renommierter Fotografen, Originalgrundrissen, technischen Zeichnungen sowie konzeptionellen Beschreibungen und Kurzbiografien . Ein ausführlicher Essay zeichnet die Bauszene von den Metabolisten bis heute nach und verdeutlicht, dass ein Zusammenspiel von Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft das Fundament zeitgenössischer japanischer Baukunst bildet, wie es in keinem anderem Land möglich wäre. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen , Erscheinungsjahr: 20210528, Produktform: Leinen, Beilage: GER, Hardcover, Redaktion: Jodidio, Philip, Edition: MLL, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 448, Themenüberschrift: ARCHITECTURE / Regional, Keyword: nachhaltige Architektur; japanische Architektur; traditionelles Bauen; architektonische Innovation; Tokio; zukünftiges Wohnen; moderne Städte; Pritzker-Preis; Fumihiko Maki; Arata Isozaki Tadao Ando; Toyo Ito; SANAA; Kengo Kuma; Shigeru Ban; Terunobu Fujimori; Masaki Endoh; Junya Ishigami; Takashi Suo; neuer Metabolismus; Stadtplanung; kleine Häuser, Fachschema: Architektur - Baukunst~Bau / Baukunst~Entwurf / Architektur~Architekt - Baumeister~Architektur / Architekt~Bauberuf / Architekt~Architektur / Geschichte, Regionen, Fachkategorie: Geschichte der Architektur, Region: Japan, Zeitraum: erste Hälfte 21. Jahrhundert (2000 bis 2050 n. Chr.)~Zweite Hälfte 20. Jahrhundert (1950 bis 1999 n. Chr.), Thema: Verstehen, Fachkategorie: Einzelne Architekten und Architekturbüros, Thema: Entdecken, Text Sprache: eng fre ger, Verlag: Taschen GmbH, Verlag: TASCHEN, Breite: 259, Höhe: 46, Gewicht: 3820, Produktform: Gebunden, Genre: Geisteswissenschaften/Kunst/Musik, Genre: Geisteswissenschaften/Kunst/Musik, Herkunftsland: ITALIEN (IT), Katalog: deutschsprachige Titel, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0004, Tendenz: -1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel,
Preis: 60.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
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Today's organizations need a new security model that more effectively adapts to the complexity and risks of modern environments, embraces hybrid workplaces, and protects people, devices, apps, and data wherever they're located. Zero Trust is the first model with the potential to do all that. Zero Trust Architecture: Theory, Implementation, Maintenance, and Growth is the first comprehensive guide for architects, engineers, and other technical professionals who want to move from Zero Trust theory to implementation and successful ongoing operation. A team of Cisco's leading experts and implementers offer the most comprehensive and substantive guide to Zero Trust, bringing clarity, vision, practical definitions, and real-world expertise to a space that's been overwhelmed with hype. The authors explain why Zero Trust identity-based models can enable greater flexibility, simpler operations, intuitive context in the implementation and management of least privilege security. Then, building on Cisco's own model, they systematically illuminate methodologies, supporting technologies, and integrations required on the journey to any Zero Trust identity-based model. Through real world experiences and case study examples, you'll learn what questions to ask, how to start planning, what exists today, what solution components still must emerge and evolve, and how to drive value in the short-term as you execute on your journey towards Zero Trust.
Preis: 48.14 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design
Building upon the success of best-sellers The Clean Coder and Clean Code, legendary software craftsman Robert C. "Uncle Bob" Martin shows how to bring greater professionalism and discipline to application architecture and design. As with his other books, Martin's Clean Architecture doesn't merely present multiple choices and options, and say "use your best judgment": it tells you what choices to make, and why those choices are critical to your success. Martin offers direct, no-nonsense answers to key architecture and design questions like: What are the best high level structures for different kinds of applications, including web, database, thick-client, console, and embedded apps? What are the core principles of software architecture? What is the role of the architect, and what is he/she really trying to achieve? What are the core principles of software design? How do designs and architectures go wrong, and what can you do about it? What are the disciplines and practices of professional architects and designers? Clean Architecture is essential reading for every software architect, systems analyst, system designer, and software manager -- and for any programmer who aspires to these roles or is impacted by their work.
Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Delaine, Janet: Roman Architecture
Roman Architecture , The story of Roman architecture, from early Rome to the late empire. A book that casts new light not only on many familiar monuments of the city of Rome, but also on less well-known examples from across the Roman empire. , >
Preis: 21.25 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Microservices: Flexible Software Architecture
The Most Complete, Practical, and Actionable Guide to MicroservicesGoing beyond mere theory and marketing hype, Eberhard Wolff presents all the knowledge you need to capture the full benefits of this emerging paradigm. He illuminates microservice concepts, architectures, and scenarios from a technology-neutral standpoint, and demonstrates how to implement them with today’s leading technologies such as Docker, Java, Spring Boot, the Netflix stack, and Spring Cloud.The author fully explains the benefits and tradeoffs associated with microservices, and guides you through the entire project lifecycle: development, testing, deployment, operations, and more. You’ll find best practices for architecting microservice-based systems, individual microservices, and nanoservices, each illuminated with pragmatic examples. The author supplements opinions based on his experience with concise essays from other experts, enriching your understanding and illuminating areas where experts disagree. Readers are challenged toexperiment on their own the concepts explained in the book to gain hands-on experience.Discover what microservices are, and how they differ from other forms ofmodularizationModernize legacy applications and efficiently build new systemsDrive more value from continuous delivery with microservicesLearn how microservices differ from SOAOptimize the microservices project lifecyclePlan, visualize, manage, and evolve architectureIntegrate and communicate among microservicesApply advanced architectural techniques, including CQRS and Event SourcingMaximize resilience and stabilityOperate and monitor microservices in productionBuild a full implementation with Docker, Java, Spring Boot, the Netflix stack, and Spring CloudExplore nanoservices with Amazon Lambda, OSGi, Java EE, Vert.x, Erlang, and SenecaUnderstand microservices’ impact on teams, technical leaders, product owners, and stakeholdersManagers will discover better ways to support microservices, and learn how adopting the method affects the entire organization. Developers will master the technical skills and concepts they need to be effective. Architects will gain a deep understanding of key issues in creating or migrating toward microservices, and exactly what it will take to transform their plans into reality.
Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
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